There was a time when summer meant kids would go outside, and play all day. They were not expected back at the house until the street lights turned on. There was an endless supply of water during the hot summer. You just had to wait for it to turn cold from sitting stagnant in the water hose. Of course, summers were spent shooting off fireworks in July (keeping a few that your parents lost track of so you could reenact a revolution amongst your buddies) and then sliding on a long yellow tarp, covered in water and grass, only to plant face first into the mud pit at the end. For those of you who are longing for your kids to go back to school, you will have online gambling opportunities coming soon!

Today, kids don't have to go outside and use their imagination. The 100 acres of woods have been replaced by housing developments. Riding your bicycle across county lines has become too dangerous (grown people now wear a bicycle helmet for leisurely bike rides). Family night board games have become a myth and with all the streaming content, everyone watches their own shows at the time of their choosing. With the emergence of technology, kids have every game available to play online, and instead of watching television shows that always had some type of moral lesson taught within 30 minutes; they watch 15-30 seconds of mind-numbing influences giving an opinion or sharing their feelings about something they feel they deserve. (We can write this down because nobody we have described would ever take the time to read this blog.) The worst part is that having the kids home all day is they monopolize the bandwidth of your internet and make online gambling very difficult. However, you will soon reclaim your internet speed, gain a few hours of silence versus the summer chaos, and play your favorite slot, traditional table (Craps, Blackjack, Roulette, Poker), or sweepstakes games in a trusted online casino like Sugar Shack! Sounds like heaven doesn't it?
Yes! From 8:30 am until 3:30 pm, you will be able to take a half-hour or more for yourself and enjoy some fun and exciting entertainment. Your days will go from breaking up arguments about who crossed the other's imaginary line in the backseat of the car to quickly fixing breakfast and pushing the kids out the door to wait at the bus stop. As soon as the door slams shut, you can fix your nice cup of coffee and open the online casino using your mobile device or laptop. Since everyone is gone for most of the day, you will have what seems to be lightning-fast internet speed! Then the fun begins and doesn't end until you hear the air breaks of the big yellow bus come to a halt, open the doors, and listen to the laughter mixed with arguments as the minions come into the house complaining about there being nothing good to eat. Don't worry though. It's a school night, so you can make them do their homework, eat, and go to bed early which might even give you an hour or so before you turn in to play another round of slots or sweepstakes. You just have to wait about twenty days, and your online gambling opportunities will be coming soon!
Great news is that there are thousands of sites to play, but it is important to do your research when choosing an online gaming site. Sites like or have all the thrills of being at a casino in a safe secure environment. Players can have hours of fun and a chance to win real money. Each of these casinos has an operator standing by offering gamblers assistance 24 hours 7 days a week.
For those operators who need a safe online site who need to purchase credits; visit sites like or
In addition to having a great opportunity to win real money, you don't have to pay for a babysitter since you can gamble while they are away at school. As always, be responsible, and set your limits.