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Writer's pictureSafe Online Gambling

Secrets in Plain Sight

This author was introduced to the phrase, "Snitches get stitches" when I was a kid. On the other hand, my kid came home one day and happily repeated what his teacher shared, "Secret, secrets are no fun..." Abruptly, I put a stop to the silly nursery rhyme and let him know that it's fine to know something, but we don't have to talk about it. Of course, I touched my nose, raised an eyebrow as to confirm the little tike knew what I was saying, flipped up my collar on my leather jacket and left in the black Lincoln only to come back in the early morning of the next day. Maybe I might be remembering the details a little wrong, but sometimes secrets in plain sight aren't so bad after all. Online gambling casinos are one of those fun little secrets that everyone knows about, but don't want to draw unwanted attention.

 Staying quiet about online gambling casinos
Secrets of Online Gambling Casinos

We aren't talking about secrets like the JFK Assassination, where everyone knows that there was not one lone gunman. Nor do we describe that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. The secrets in plain sight that we are talking about are the ones that we can all see, but nobody wants to discuss the big white elephant in the room that took a dump on the floor. We just smile and say everything smells like cinnamon at Christmas time! For example, how can professional sports, particularly Major League Baseball, ban gambling and advertise sports betting throughout the stadiums. Come on already. Pete Rose should be enshrined in the Hall of Fame, and Shoeless Joe Jackson should have his bust right next to him.

A perfect example of Secrets in plain sight is when the greatest basketball player who ever jumped on the court, Michael Jordan (had to say his name so the millennials who love that other guy who got his son on the team don't try to make a case that we are talking about him), took a break from baseball to try to learn how to hit a curve ball for a couple of years. (By the way MJ. The Houston Rockets thank you for that!). The NBA did not want to suspend Jordan from gambling on basketball and suffer the same fate as the MLB with Rose. Thankfully, he came back and won three more titles leaving us with the "what ifs and could he have won 8 titles in a row?" Ah, yes!

Online gambling casinos in states that haven't quite legalized gambling are dealing with the same type of scenarios. The state governments in places like Texas say that it is okay to bet on horses and dogs and play the state lotto, but have not officially approved enjoying your favorite slots, poker, blackjack, roulette, craps or sweepstakes games in a casino like Sugar Shack, Fiesta Jackpot, Caliente Casino among a few. Luckily, these online casinos are based right here in the United States where other casinos are unregulated and located outside the country. Of course, the State knows the secret is in plain sight, but there is very little evidence that it does anything about players enjoying a little fun in the comfort of their own home.

Safe Online Gaming encourages you to do your research when it comes to playing your favorite casino games. Before you pull the lever, roll the dice, play a card or place a bet on your favorite number to hit; make sure the online casino is open 24/7. You want it to protect your identity and operate in the United States. There should be a live person always available to chat to help you navigate the sites if you have any questions and they should be able to speak and write in English. When it comes to money, the payout should be very easy and executed in a timely manner, especially when you hit the JACKPOT!

Gambling should be fun and exciting. Although it is an acceptable form of fun and entertainment in certain parts of the United States, it should be legalized across the country. Every online casino and onsite casino should be able to operate under the same rules, and the players should receive protection to play in a safe and secure betting environment. Until the corrupt politicians decide to truly work for the people, and be honest, many online gambling sites will have to keep their secrets in plain sight. Good luck, set your limits and have fun!

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